Most every retailer offers special deals and discounts during the year, especially during the holiday season. This is when shoppers have been saving up during the year to enjoy a holiday shopping spree in the final two months of the year including Black Friday, Christmas and Boxing Day along with New Year’s. For online business owners, there is also ample opportunity to cash in big during the holiday season. This video teaches the many different ways that online marketers can inject some excitement in their campaigns for their audience and make a bundle of cash while at it. People absolutely love deals. They love freebies even more. But when it comes to the holidays, people are expecting big discounts. Although you don’t necessarily have to give away the kitchen sink and the bathtub along with it, what you can do is slash prices by a certain amount for a limited time and also offer scarcity deals. Scarcity marketing entices audiences to react quicker as prices are time sensitive and will go back up once the deal is over. You also can make great use of social media by spreading the word about your sales to your audience. There are many ways to make the holidays a huge cash cow for your business and this video spills all the beans. If you’re ready to kick butt in the holiday season, let it start here so you’ll be fully ready to make the really big bucks.